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Home » PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest,  Wealth for the Harvest  

PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest,  Wealth for the Harvest  




Greg shares prophetic dreams about the wealth transfer and the whistle of God calling in the harvest of souls! This is encouraging. What God has shown specifically to Greg is that justice must come in America for the wealth transfer to take place. It is the justice department that is holding back justice currently in our nation. Justice is going to be served because God wants to bring justice down!

In this first prophetic night vision, Greg was in a court room, and everyone present thought it was going to go the evil one’s way, and he was the one who was on trial. Everyone thought this way except for the prosecutor. As soon as the gavel fell, bringing about justice, gold flakes began to fall and fill the entire courtroom. Immediately the prosecutor turned around, looked directly at Greg and said, “SEE I TOLD YOU it was coming!” The gold flakes were so thick in the room that Greg couldn’t even see the other side of the courtroom! When God deals with the evil one, resources get released.  

Kat Kerr is speaking on Elijah’s List and shares a prophetic word from God, how the wealth transfer is coming. “When God positions a time…This is God’s time to do something. He’s strategic, that’s why we are being strategic right now. That’s why He is giving time…He is setting it up literally, for us to have the wealth of the wicked, to push back darkness, to find out really who we are, be a joint heir with Christ.” Kat continues the word from God, Trump is raw…but I will temper him, Pence will temper him, and he will be a great leader for this country…2018 He is calling a season of destiny. That means many people, many companies, many churches, ministries will finally be stepping into their true destiny.”

Greg shares another prophetic night vision, and in this vision, he saw a big whistle. The whistle was clear glass, and it was beautiful. God told him to blow the whistle, and nothing happened, it didn’t make a sound. God said it would take diamonds to make the whistle work. Greg laid his hands over what looked like a bedspread and said, “Let there be diamonds.” And diamonds just appeared, rough diamonds not shiny diamonds. He poured them down the whistle, and he knew it was great wealth he was pouring into the whistle. Since he had this night vision, he has been blowing the whistle to the nations and speaking the diamonds into existence. God’s Word speaks of His whistle. When I whistle to them, they will come running, for I have redeemed them. From the few who are left, they will grow as numerous as they were before.” Zechariah 10:8 We can imagine the whistle of God blowing and provision raining down!

The wealth transfer is coming! Pastor John Kilpatrick speaking at Church of His Presence, described how blessings are coming to America. During these times of shifting and changing seasons, don’t be surprised that money will unexpectedly find you. Don’t be surprised that money shows up in your bank account without you knowing about it! “God said that this wealth in the last days is going to be transferred to the saints of God. There is going to be a wealth transfer, and God’s going to make a host of His last day Church to come into great wealth. You have been faithful over the few, you have tithed, you have given offerings, you have given to building programs, you’ve helped the poor, you’ve given gifts. And God said now I’m about to pour out upon you, restoration and blessings like you’ve never handled before…God is about to give wealth transfer in these last days; you need to believe it!”

We need to position ourselves to be ready for this wealth transfer! God will give us creative ideas in our businesses and jobs too. Kat Kerr shares another prophetic word on Elijah’s List concerning inventions that are coming and that it is the best days for the Church! “This season we are entering into, there will be freedom and liberty to be what God made us to be. He has saved some of the best inventions that will actually change our whole lives. New energy sources, new ways to process foods, stuff that will be safe and not make it harmful. The way we travel, ways that there won’t be accidents and new ways to travel. There are many, many new things. It is a season of the idea zone to drop down on the earth, but not just get the ideas, but bring them into being.”

Be encouraged! We are always in a time and season where we are waiting for prophetic words to come to pass! You do not live your life for God in vain! He sees your faithfulness, and God is setting us up for a major blessing, revival, and an end time harvest for one billion souls to come to Jesus! Rick Joyner shares about how this harvest is coming in. Rick poses the question, “How would your Church handle 1000 new members every week? We all think that will be incredible, but that will kill you! We all have got to start thinking like that. We need to raise up hundreds of thousand of teachers. It is not going to work on the model of ministry that is now demonstrated in much of the Church. It is like a spectator sport, you pay your entry fee, and you come watch a few people do it every week.” Rick continues, “No we’ve all got to be engaged. I believe there is a homegroup movement…I believe you will have home groups in every neighborhood that are solid where God is moving, where He is doing awesome things every week, every day, where people are bonded together.”

This is powerful prophetic words and the woman or man of God, who believes what God is saying, prepares for what is coming. One way to prepare is to be a disciple of Jesus. Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” You can get your free plan on how to abide with Jesus at iAbide, and you can become a disciple of Jesus by visiting Emmaus Road! Now is the time to prepare for the harvest of souls that are coming in by preparing ourselves and others. We want to hear what you think. You can write to us at [email protected]. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Wealth Transfer in 2017 for the People of God Brother Kilpatrick
Look what Kat Kerr Prophesied about Donald Trump
Emmaus Road Discipleship
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